When your company is accused of crossing the line of discrimination or harassment, you’ll want experienced counsel representing you. You need lawyers dedicated to the defense of workplace law when you’re facing a claim from a disgruntled former employee, the EEOC, or another government agency.
Fisher Phillips recognizes that laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment continue to expand, and government agencies continue to increase their enforcement activities. This is a dangerous combination. With our assistance, you can minimize your chances of facing a lawsuit while maximizing your chances of success should you get hit with a legal claim.
If you are faced with a claim of discrimination, harassment or retaliation brought under Title VII, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), or any of the numerous other related federal and state laws, you should feel confident that the law firm you hire to defend your company can offer you the specific attention you deserve. Our lawyers defend such lawsuits in federal and state courts around the country every single day, including large class actions and multi-plaintiff cases. We also respond to individual and systemic discrimination charges brought before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), as well as state civil rights agencies.
Of course, we also recognize that it is better to avoid having to deal with a legal claim altogether. We proactively partner with you to develop specifically tailored strategies to help minimize the risk of litigation. As part of this effort, we design workplace anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, and assist in coordinating internal investigations of harassment and discrimination claims.
It is often to your legal benefit to provide training for your workforce, offering you a valuable affirmative defense should an issue develop at your business. We develop and present training sessions to help reduce your legal risks and to educate your employees, including management training, supervisory training, and training for your entire workforce.