Jay Glunt takes a hybrid approach to solving workplace problems. First and foremost, Jay guides clients away from litigation through regular and proactive counseling. This counseling covers areas such as workforce changes, strategic restructurings, wage/hour compliance, improvement of policies and procedures, making safe hire/fire and disciplinary decisions, dealing with work/family balance issues, and maintaining compliance with ever-changing COVID-19 laws and regulations. Jay negotiates employment contracts and deals with issues relating to executive compensation. And Jay is skilled in conducting workplace investigations. All of these make up Jay’s “guard rail” practice, the point of which is to stay out of court.
Litigation cannot always be avoided, though, and sometimes the best way to solve a personnel problem is to make use of the court system. When that is the case, Jay does so with effective and efficient advocacy. Jay’s trial practice involves management of employment litigation in state and federal courts, and before administrative agencies. With the rise in overtime collective actions and other employment class actions, Jay frequently defends these types of cases. Jay also prosecutes restrictive covenant and trade secret injunction actions. Jay is in his element in the court room, where he has obtained successful outcomes.