The only thing harder than staying on top of all the workplace laws that impact your business is enforcing your personnel policies without getting sued. You need a group of lawyers you can consider your personal hotline for handling all of your workplace concerns.
Fisher Phillips works with you to develop policies, strategies, and procedures for preventing employment claims and lawsuits from arising. By proactively working with us, you can minimize your chances of ever facing legal challenges in the first place, while putting measures in the place that will maximize your chances of success should a claim surface.
We can assist you in drafting employee handbooks and manuals, and in designing policies and procedures governing such areas as drug testing, background checks, pre-employment testing, harassment, and protection of trade secrets. Whether you need your handbook refreshed to capture the latest legal developments, or whether you need a new handbook built from scratch, we can offer you personalized service designed to meet your specific needs and individually tailored for your business. Our handbooks and policies can be crafted to comply with all of the laws impacting your multistate operation or your single business location.
We also assist in the training of your managers and supervisors, ensuring they understand the importance of your policies and procedures. We offer training sessions that are engaging, lively, and focused on practical skills. We also offer training sessions for your entire workforce, focusing on general compliance with your rules.
When you need day-to-day advice on hiring, discipline, termination, responding to harassment and discrimination complaints, employee compensation and benefits issues, or compliance with any other law that affects your workplace, you can be assured that we will be responsive, efficient, and practical. We can also conduct compliance audits to review all aspects of your workplace law compliance, identifying problem areas before they blossom into legal challenges and offering practical solutions.