Given today’s unprecedented geopolitical, economic, health and supply-chain issues, the competitive stakes for your business have never been higher. You’ve got to continually assess whether you’re operating as efficiently as possible – including the places where you’d doing it. You might be having trouble meeting the demand for your products, facing skyrocketing logistics costs, or struggling to find good workers where you are. Maybe you’ve outgrown your current site. Or perhaps you want to explore incentives that might be available elsewhere. With many U.S. states vigorously competing to attract jobs and local investment, it’s important to weigh alternatives that could make you more flexible and sustainable. How can you identify the options, negotiate creatively and effectively, and select the best package?
Led by two former senior officials for multinational automobile manufacturers with decades of experience overseeing all aspects of site selection processes – and key relationships in the governmental economic development community – Fisher Phillips’ Site Selection team helps businesses explore alternatives and negotiate economic incentives in locations across the country. We’ll quickly give you the lay of the land; negotiate and assess available incentives including tax credits and abatements, grants, industrial training program commitments, properties (including logistical considerations such as utilities and proximity to transportation); and work side-by-side with you to make sure your incentives are effectively implemented.
Unlike most consulting and commercial real estate firms, we’re backed by the full resources of a premier labor and employment firm, which means our team is ideally situated to help you understand critical labor and human resources considerations including the potential for employee unionization, workplace safety and health regulations, workers compensation systems, and antidiscrimination and antiharassment rules. We also have unique insights into the myriad human resources considerations you’ll need to consider and are skilled in evaluating disparate talent pools and state training resources.
Members of our team have seen the process from all angles – as executives leading it, board members approving it, and consultants advising on it. With 37 offices nationwide, we can help you evaluate the potential benefits in states across the U.S. And we offer cost-effective, fixed-fee arrangements that most competitors can’t match.
Our team’s experience encompasses major projects including corporate headquarters, R&D centers, manufacturing plants, and high-tech facilities for clients across a variety of industries.
A lot is riding on your decision. Don’t miss out on opportunities that could leave you less productive and less prepared for what’s to come.
Recent engagements:
- Negotiating on behalf of a multinational automotive manufacturer on a plant relocation project involving 8,000 jobs.
- Negotiated to establish a new facility for another multinational automobile industry manufacturer in the Southeast U.S. encompassing 450 jobs.
- Negotiated inventive deals enabling a manufacturer of pet products to relocate from one state to another in the Southeast U.S.
- You’re a small employer who’s weighing staying in place against moving to another state.
Many smaller businesses aren’t aware that they may be able to obtain significant governmental support when they expand or set up a new location. We can help you assess the various overall business climates, workforce requirements and capabilities, available educational resources, and local incentive opportunities.
- Your logistics costs are skyrocketing, does it make sense to consider alternative locations?
It can sometimes be a close call as to whether the benefits outweigh the risks when deciding on a new location. The state and local incentives can often tip the scale and lead to long term profitability. We can help maximize the potential benefits through our understanding of available incentives and negotiate an effective package for your business.
- Technologies are changing rapidly in your industry. You’ll need to increase your workforce capabilities if you want to remain competitive.
We can provide an overview of training resources, available grants and low-cost programs to help maintain your business in the existing location or evaluate the benefits available in other states.
Key Contacts
- Dennis C. Cuneo
- Partner
- Raymond W. Perez
- Of Counsel
- See all