Seeing 20/20 in 2020: What to Expect from a Legal and Financial Standpoint for Workers’ Compensation in the Upcoming Year
Holiday Inn Independence
6001 Rockside Rd.
Independence, Ohio 44131
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Please join Fisher Phillips Workers’ Compensation attorneys for this captivating presentation on what public entities can expect from a legal/financial standpoint for workers’ compensation in 2020.
8:00am - 8:30am
Registration, Networking and Breakfast.
8:30am - 11:30am
- Cancer and Firefighters: What Does the Firefighter Presumption Mean and What are the Consequences for Employers.
- PTSD and First Responders: Changes in the Law are Coming; What to Expect and How to React.
- Get the Straight Dope on Marijuana in the Workplace and the Consequences for your Workers’ Compensation Program
- Mandatory Mediation of Workers’ Compensation Disputes: Is it Mandatory? Is it Helpful? What Does it Mean for my Bottom Line?
- Looking into the Crystal Ball: Group Rating and Self-insurance Update and Preview – What Workers’ Compensation Cost Savings Programs Can We Take Advantage of in 2020.
Cost: Please register each individual attending on behalf of your organization. Note the cost of the Seminar is $20 per organization (payable at door).
For any questions, please contact Melinda Malyuk at
Awaiting approval for CLE credits.
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