Earned Wage Access (aka On-Demand Pay) Checklist for Employers
To combat a tight job market, employers are looking for creative ways to retain and attract talent. An Earned Wage Access (EWA) policy – a revolutionary employee benefit program that offers employees almost instant access to their pay – might just be what gives companies the edge. However, developing and implementing an on-demand pay benefit program raises numerous legal compliance issues that you should be mindful of before developing and implementing it.
As a follow up to January’s webinar Wage and Hour Wednesday: The Legal and Accounting Challenges of Alternative Pay Options, Attorney Sarah Wieselthier has created an easy-to-use EWA checklist for employers.
If you are interested in learning more, have any questions about EWA, or want to add it to your employee benefits package, be sure to contact the author of this checklist, your Fisher Phillips attorney, or any attorney in our Wage and Hour Practice Group. To ensure you stay up to speed on all of our offerings, make sure to subscribe to receive Fisher Phillips Insights directly to your inbox.