Privacy and Cyber Co-Chair Discusses Wave of Lawsuits Under the California Invasion of Privacy Act
In an interview with Legal Tech News, Usama Kahf discusses a wave of lawsuits brought under the California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA) that are pushing the boundaries of what "wiretapping conversations" means in this digital age of chatbots and session replay software. One latest case alleges that a large technology company is violating CIPA and other laws by tracking app usage even after users disable tracking functions on their devices. Usama explains that California Invasion of Privacy Act claims similar to this are on the rise and expect to see more.
He explains that consumers are claiming companies are intercepting their communications without their knowledge, by either disclosing them to a third party or collecting them without letting them know. “Those are the two flavors of that claim that I’m seeing under the California Invasion of Privacy Act as well as in some other states as it’s started to spread nationally," he says.
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